Ms. Sakshi Tyagi

Ms. Sakshi Tyagi
Specializes in:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Personality modification
- Relationship Issues
- Stress Management
- Emotion Management
- Psychometric Assessment
Ms. Sakshi Tyagi is a practicing Licensed Clinical Psychologist currently associated with Emoneeds. She has completed her licensing from Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI), Masters in Clinical Psychology from Amity University (Noida), PG Diploma in Child Guidance and Counseling (Jamia Milia Islamia University), and Honors in Applied Psychology from Delhi University. She has previously worked With Fortis Escorts Heart Institute (Okhla), Apollo Indraprastha Hospital (Sukhdev Vihar, Delhi), Air Force Central Medical Establishment (AFCME), Lady Harding Medical College, and Amar Jyoti Charitable Trust and School for Special Children.
She is a Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) practitioner that specializes in working with people of all ages and background. Her belief is that therapy and counseling are not just for management and treatment of psychological conditions and mental health issues, but also a process and tool to facilitate an individual’s personal growth. Mental health awareness, advocacy and aid are key to bringing these goals into reality.