In today’s digital age, screens are everywhere. From smartphones and tablets to TVs
and computers, we rely on screens for work, entertainment, and communication. While
technology offers many benefits, there is growing concern about the potential negative
effects of excessive screen time, particularly for young children.
One emerging concept is “virtual autism,” a term used to describe a condition believed
to occur when young children, typically under the age of three, are exposed to excessive
screen time, leading to symptoms resembling autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Autism
is a condition where people have trouble with things like talking to others and doing the
same things over and over again.
Virtual autism is a term used to describe a phenomenon where prolonged exposure to
screens during early childhood is believed to contribute to the development of
symptoms resembling autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
These symptoms may include:
Lack of Social and communication skills, where children struggle to understand
social cues and engage in meaningful interactions.
Behavioral issues such as irritability, aggression, and impulsivity may arise due to
prolonged screen exposure.
Development in language, cognition, and motor skills may be delayed, impacting
academic performance and overall functioning.
Sensory overload from screens can lead to hyperactivity, distractibility, and
difficulty focusing on tasks.
Sleep patterns and quality may be disrupted, as the blue light emitted by screens
interferes with melatonin production, affecting sleep-wake cycles
So, what can parents and caregivers do to help kids have a healthy balance with
Limit screen time: Set rules for daily screen usage; experts suggest no screen
time for kids under two and only one hour a day for ages two to five.
Play together: Join kids during screen time to explain content and make it
Choose wisely: Pick educational and age-appropriate shows, games, and apps.
Take breaks: Encourage breaks for outdoor play or reading to maintain balance
and health.
Lead by example: Be mindful of your own screen time and prioritize family
bonding without screens.
As we wrap up, let’s empower our children to navigate the digital landscape responsibly,
ensuring that their screen interactions contribute positively to their development, while
also recognizing the significance of genuine, offline experiences and connections.