The main difference between PTSD and CPTSD is the duration of the trauma and the resulting
symptoms. Previously, it was thought that PTSD only resulted from short-term stressors like
accidents or natural disasters. However, research has shown that those experiencing long-term
repetitive stress is more likely to have symptoms beyond PTSD. Both CPTSD and PTSD are
characterized by psychological and behavioral stress reactions like flashbacks, hypervigilance,
and avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event(s).
It has been seen that people with CPTSD are also found to have additional symptoms, including
chronic and extensive issues with emotion regulation, identity and sense of self, and
Relationships. Additional symptoms common to people with CPTSD include long-term, severe
problems with identity and sense of self, relationships, and emotion control. The majority of the
hallmark symptoms of PTSD, including avoidance, hypervigilance, flashbacks, and enduring
z, unpleasant thoughts and feelings, are included in complex PTSD, according to the ICD-11.
Further symptoms include increased sensitivity to negative emotional cues, a pervasive
negative self-perception and significant challenges in establishing and sustaining meaningful
relationships. Extended or recurrent exposure to highly threatening, frequently
impossible-to-evade traumatic situations can lead to complex post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD). Such traumatic events can include long-term domestic abuse, physical or sexual abuse
suffered as a kid, torture, genocide, or enslavement.
Traumatic stress can cause lasting changes in brain chemistry and structure, affecting critical
parts of the brain responsible for fear processing, learning, memory, and executive functions.
Studies suggest that brain changes are more severe in individuals with CPTSD compared to
those with PTSD alone.
Seeking treatment for persistent trauma can be tough but is necessary. Therapy specifically for
Complex PTSD is important, as it offers hope for recovery over time. Remember, support and
assistance is available to help you through the healing process.